‚b‚™‚Œ‚‰‚Ž‚„‚’‚‰‚ƒ‚‚Œ ‚r‚•‚’‚†‚‚ƒ‚… ‚k‚…‚Ž‚“ Polishing Machine
@Number of Spindle @4 spindles
@Radius @50`‡ ‡o.
@Size @150~150 ‡o square.
@Distance between spindles @450 ‡o.
@Oscillating frequency @40`240 per minutes
@Oscillating stroke @0`±50 ‡o.
@Adjustment to right and left @0`±20 ‡o.
@Reciprocating frequency @1/2 or 1/3 of upper spindle frequency
@Reciprocating stroke @0`±35 ‡o.
@Timer @180 minutes timer on each spindle
@Work pressure @By weight
@Motor @200V@@200W Geared on each spindle
@Coolant pump @200V@@180W@@2P@@3phase@@1pc.
@Abrasive liquid tank @Ø=310‡o.@@1pc.
@Dimensions @Length 1,970‡o.@Depth 970‡o.@Height 1,150‡o.
@Weight @400kg.
Specification will be changed for improvement without notice.
1)@The machine is special purpose machine for polishing cylindrical
@@surface of concave or convex work.

2)@Upper spindle mounted concave work (or concave lens dish) is moved
@@to front and rear straightly, and lower spindle mounted convex lens dish
@@(or convex work) is reciprocated with linear motion to right and left.

3)@Upper and lower spindles are kept the direction of the generating
@@line each, and each stroke can be adjusted with the mechanism.

4)@Work pressure is generated by weight.

5)@Abrasive liquid tank is made of stainless steel and abrasive liquid
@@pump is applied rust proof and seal treatment and fitted blades for
@@agitating.@Uniformity abrasive liquid can be fed with preventing
@@abrasive precipitation.